Yogi Shatabdi celebrated the centenary celebrations of Yogiji Maharaj, Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s fourth spiritual successor. The festival was celebrated in Gandhinagar, the state capital of Gujarat. The highlight of this 35-day festival was the inauguration of the Swaminarayan Akshardham, a cultural complex illustrating India’s ancient architecture and culture. This festival included youth exhibitions, medical services, dowry-free communal weddings, world peace yagnas, and cultural and theological conventions.
Bal Nagri, a unique exhibit replicating an Indian village for children, was organized by children and youths and shared the importance of family harmony with its visitors through dances, theatrics, puppet shows, and more. Additionally, children volunteers participated in de-addiction drives and inspired 104,300 people to maintain healthy, addiction-free lifestyles.
The medical services at this festival brought together doctors from all over India. The doctors consulted and treated over 70,000 patients in less than one month. During this festival, 150 couples were married dowry-free as part of an organized communal wedding. These weddings were financed by the BAPS Swaminarayan Santha and celebrated without the constraints of the outdated custom of dowry. Also during the festival, visitors participated in a Vishwashanti Maha Yagna, or a prayer for world peace.
Festival Highlights:

  • 125 acre cultural wonderland in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  • Swaminarayan Akshardham, Gandhinagar was inaguarated by Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
  • Nearly 105,000 pledges to live addiction-free lives.
  • 70,000 people were treated by specialist doctors in less than one month on the festival grounds.
  • 150 couples were married, free of dowry.
  • 5.2 million visitors were served meals.
  • 145 youths dedicated their life to the service of God and the community by being initiated as sadhus.
  • More than 17,000 volunteers dedicated tens of thousands of volunteer hours.

For more details about the Swaminarayan Akshardham that was inaugurated during this festival, visit www.Akshardham.com/Gujarat.

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