Atlanta, GA
Hari Jayanti Samaiyo started with the celebration of 50 years of Bal-Balika pravrutti. Balika girls from group 0 to 3 brought Harikrishna Maharaj in a palkhi. Group 3 girls did the MC for the entire samaiyo. Group 1 did Dhoon (Swaminarayan Naam Maaraa Vahlaa) and Prarthana (Swami Sahajanand Maharaj) followed by a parayan in gujarati (Vijapur na Vajiba) by group 2. All the sanchalikas did a wonderful natak "Upliftment of Women" in 6 different phases. Then a game (Name that Haribhakta) was played by mahila mandal in which all the vadil mahila participated kishori mandal performed the raas - juo juo ne sahelio....whereas yuvati mandal did a slide show on "jab yeh dharti per.."
Los Angeles, CA
On April 10th, Los Angeles Mahila Mandal celebrated Hari Jayanti festival through spiritual and cultural presentation.
The celebrations began with balikas making a grand entrance into the sabha hall, marching down the isle, waving Bal Suvrana Mahotsav flags and singing "Aa foj amaari aave chhe………"
The program was introduced by balika MCs respectively, depicting Shreeji Maharaji's unique characteristics for each upcoming event. Shishu mandal presented dhoon, "Swaminarayan naam maara vaahla….." hailing the importance of Swaminarayan maha mantra. Group 1 balika sang the prathana while group 3 balika sang a devotional kirtan glorifying the mahima of Shreeji Maharaj. Three members of group 2 balika presented a balika parayan on Vijapur na Vajiba with verses from the scripture, Bhaktachintamani. Mahila mandal presented a drama portraying Shreeji Maharaji's social reforms and women's upliftment that He had brought about around 200 years ago. The drama also depicted how Shreeji Maharaj eradicated female infanticide( dudh piti) and the practice of Sati (self-immolation by a woman on her husband's pyre). Kishori mandal presented a thrilling raas that took the audience back in time where Shreeji Maharaj danced the rass , " Juo Juo Ne Sahelio Aaj….." in Panchala with his bhaktos and santos. Yuvati Mandal played a hindi kirtan through a power point presentation. The celebrations came to an end with aarti followed by Mahaprasad.
Miami, FL
Hari Jayanti samaiyo was celebrated by Miami Mahila Mandal at Boynton Beach Mandir on April 10th.
Program started with Stuti, Dhoon and Prarthana performed by Balika Mandal and Shishu Mandal. Balikas did the M.C. for the whole program in gujarati explaining in detail the kindness of Shriji Maharaj who came on this earth for the " Kalyan " of innumerable souls. The parayan of " Vijapur na Vajiba" was effectively done to glorify the unbreakable shraddha of Vajiba for Maharaj. Shishu Mandal performed a dance for the first time in front of the audience on the kirtan " Swami na Baag ma Khilya….". Yuvati Mandal performed a wonderful drama which depicted Maharaj's overwhelming success in removing the traditions which hindered Women's development in society as individuals. The most fun part of the program was the game show "Name that Hariibhakta" where the audience was asked to participate without any prior notice which was followed by a folk dance wonderfully choreographed and performed by the Balikas and Kishoris. And last but not the least a slide show on the Kirtan "Jab yeh dharti per…" was presented making everyone realize that Maharaj is still doing His work through Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
San jose, CA
To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bal-Balika Mandal, the entire Hari Jayanti samaiyo was handled by the balika wing which started with Deep Pragatya followed by Shishu and Balika mandal doing Jaynaad, Stuti and Dhoon. The parayan on Vijapur Na Vajiba was beautifully done by 2 balikas from Group 2 followed by a game - Name that Haribhakta with different representatives of mandals called to participate in this game. A play depicting the life of Monghi Ba was performed by mahila mandal. The final program was Antakshari in which the kishori mandal participated heartily. A distinguished CEO of a software company graced the occasion by a speech on the importance of a woman's role in society.
The MC for the entire samaiyo was done by different balikas in gujarati which was very inspirational.
For the very first time in San Jose, the whole samaiyo was sponsored by 77 sponsors.
Around 250 ladies and girls attended the samaiyo.
Phoenix, AZ
On April 27th, Phoenix Mahila Mandal celebrated Harijayanti samaiyo. that was attended by mahilas including kishoris and balikas. The festivities began with stuti and dhoon followed by prarthana and devotional kirtan exalting Bhagwaan Swaminarayan. The events of the program were announced by MCs respectively, recalling on the prasangs and incidences on Shreeji Maharaj and Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, following that purticular event. A mahila member conducted the Parayan on Vijapur na Vajiba from Harililamrut followed by a game called Name that Haribhakta by yuvati mandal. Balika Mandal delighted the devotees in the audience with their beautifully choreographed dance hailing the glory of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. All the devotees present enjoyed playing the raas "Juo juo ne Sahelio……." The samaiyo came to an end with vote of thanks followed by aarti and mahaprasaad.
Houston, TX
The Hari Jayanti samaiyo started with Shishu mandal doing the Jaynaad and Group 2 & 3 balikas singing dhoon and prarthana. A parayan from Bhaktachintamani and plays on "Stree Utkarsh na Shiromani Shri Hari" portraying Jetalpur ni Ganika, Brahmanand Swami and Jivu Ba and Ladu Ba was beautifully done by mahila mandal. A traditional dance on Bharatnatyam was performed followed by a speech on Bhaktavatsal Shri Hari. At the end everyone did samuh aarti.
North East
The Northeast Balika Mandal grandly celebrated Hari Jayanti on the 24th day of April in Jersey City, New Jersey. With an attendance of over seven hundred women, the event was a great success. The following northeast centers participated in the samaiyo: Atlantic City, Boston, Cherry Hill, Clifton, Edison, Fall River, Jersey City, New York, Westchester, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. Promptly at 2:30 PM, the young balikas embarked everyone upon a magnificent journey commemorating the life of Bhagwaan Swaminarayan. Balikas from the ages of five to fourteen took the roles of MCs, narrators, and game show hosts, enlightening the audiences with their unique speaking eloquence in the native tongue of Gujarati. An exceptional parayan on Vajiba, a stanch devotee during Maharaj's time, mesmerized the audience. Additionally, numerous dramas displaying the divinity of Maharaj's devotees were wonderfully enacted by the small balikas. They also showed how traditional practices such as sati, dowry were haulted by Bhagwaan Swaminarayan and how He played a vital role in the upliftment of women. Various traditional dances were also performed by the balikas- creating more enthusiasm in the environment. Game shows such as "Name that Haribhakta" tested the knowledge of the audiences and slideshows built lasting memories. The samaiyo came to a close when samuh aarti was conducted and everyone enjoyed the savory dishes served during dinner. Indeed the Balikas had done a marvelous job in holding this event and their hard work and dedicated was thus reflected.