Gujarat Day, also known as Gujarat Sthapana Divas, is celebrated on May 1 every year. At SVMR, we marked this significant day by highlighting the rich heritage of Gujarati literature, including prose and poetry, along with the unique cultural features of Gujarat.
To commemorate the occasion, we hosted renowned author Dr. Yashwant Mehta. A distinguished writer and editor, Dr. Mehta has been at the forefront of Gujarati literature for over 40 years, editing both Female Weekly and Children's Weekly. He has authored over a hundred books, with a special focus on strong women of Gujarat.
The program commenced with a prayer, followed by a warm welcome extended to Dr. Mehta by our campus director, Dr. Neeta Shah. The event began with a group folk song, a beautiful medley of various Gujarati folk songs, skillfully created by our Music Teacher and melodiously sung by 30 students for 12 minutes.
Next, we enjoyed a narration of the famous story "Chaaran Kanya" by Shri Zaverchand Meghani. This poem, rich in 'Veer Ras', is a crown jewel in Gujarati literature and folk tradition. Following this, a humorous skit was performed, comparing and contrasting various dialects through a discussion on Gujarati delicacies. The skit was light-hearted yet conveyed a strong message of inclusivity.
The chief guest, Dr. Yashwant Mehta, then addressed the audience. He referred to all the girls as ‘Daughters of Bharat Mata’ and appreciated their efforts. He sang the song ‘Swagatam, Swagatam…’ and discussed esteemed women of Gujarat, highlighting his famous book titled "Mummy Mane Jawa Dene Umar Ni Bahar". He also shared a playful poem, "Chocolate, Chocolate," as an ode to the carefree and innocent childhood of a girl.
The event concluded with the National Anthem, honoring our nation and the state of Gujarat.
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