ATL Tinkering Lab was inaugurated at Swaminarayan Vidyamandir Randesan on 6th Oct’22 by Dr. Anil Bharadwaj. The Chief Guest for the day was Dr. Anil Bharadwaj who is an Indian Astrophysicist and Director of the Physical Research Laboratory, which is a Unit of the Department of Space of Government of India in Ahmedabad, India.

Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) is a sub-mission under the Atal Innovation Mission of the Government of India.The objective of this lab is to foster curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc. The assembly for inauguration started with prayer followed by a short video on introduction to Atal Tinkering Lab. Dr. Anil Bharadwaj was felicitated by our campus director Dr. Neeta Shah and introduced to the students.

It was followed by a presentation by the students of various standards on the modules of Atal lab which will consist of watching celestial bodies using a telescope, virtual tour to space using drones, Artificial Intelligence, creating apps and games, 3D Printing, Creation of hardware devices. The main purpose of this lab is to improve the practical knowledge of the students and make them active learners.

Dr. Anil Bharadwaj was invited on the stage to share his words of wisdom. He said he was grateful to all the management for inviting him for the inaugural ceremony. He said, ATL lab is a new and innovative way of learning which is going to help you to develop your own ideas and put them into practice”. He requested the teachers to allow the students to bring their own ideas. He added that it is an auspicious time to inaugurate ATL lab as it is the World Space Week going on.  He discussed the Mars Orbiter Mission, Chandrayaan Mission. He said, “Start dreaming about going to space and start innovating in the ATL lab. Start developing your skills and make something unique and contribute to society”. 

It was followed by a vote of thanks by Dr. Neeta Shah. In her speech, she felt grateful towards Dr. Anil Bhardwaj on behalf of Swaminarayan Vidyamandir Randesan and  said she has always seen the students in the campus going to various places to see the eclipse, going to community science centres dressed as Einstein, going to various exhibitions and competitions and it is the reason that they have established ATL Lab in campus.She also said that students here are lucky to get a chance to work with various tools and devices. 

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