Pulmonology is the specialty that deals with diseases of the respiratory tract and respiratory disease. It is called as chest medicine or respiratory medicine which often involves evaluation of the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx and throat) as well as the lung.
The different diseases treated include:
Allergic rhinitis
Bronchial asthma (from simple to resistant asthma)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Interstitial lung diseases
Lung cancer
Occupational lung diseases
Pleural diseases
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary oedema
Sleep apnoea
Snoring and sleep apnea syndrome
Pulmonary & Extra Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB - simple, MDR and XDR TB)
Any other rare, undiagnosed and complicated lung disease
Procedure / Facilities Available
Pulmonary Function Test
Thoracoscopy - Medical & Surgical
Sleep Study- for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.
Routine Pulmonary Procedures Inter Costal Drainage tube insertion, Pleural fluid aspiration and pleurodesis