Spiritual Luminaries

During his official visit to the Bicentenary Celebration of Gunatitanand Swami in 1985, H.H. The Dalai Lama said in his address: "Your Organization is doing great service to mankind by spreading the message of goodness and joy. It is indeed commendable that the Swaminarayan Movement has not limited its work to the Movement alone, but has gone out in society, conducted a door to door crusade against the evils of society to promote peace and harmony.
I am deeply impressed by the fact that the youths are so actively involved in the activities of this Movement."

His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Amdavad,

During the Centenary Celebration of Yogiji Maharaj in 1992, Pujya Harinarayananand Swami said: "Pramukh Swami has sacrificed his entire life in serving people and in spreading spirituality. I call him the jewel among saints. I use these words not to praise him but I say it as a responsible person of the Sadhu Samaj and as a guru of 80,000 disciples. Today, Pramukh Swami Maharaj, like a shining constellation, is promoting spiritual values in the world. No other guru has spread spiritual values in India and abroad as Pramukh Swami Maharaj."

Pujya Harinarayananandji,

Secretary, Bharat Sadhu Samaj, 1992

"I am very pleased to see a great soul. Swamiji's greatest contribution lies in his ceaseless efforts to instill our culture and spiritual ideals among the masses residing in our towns and villages."

Pujya Swami Madhvacharya, Head of 'Mansa' temple, Guru Mandal Ashram, Haridwar,

12 Sept. 1987

"Today, is a great auspicious day because Pramukh Swami Maharaj is here with us. This 'Guru Ashram' has become the abode of Vaikuntha. When Hanumanji went to Lanka, a city drowned in material indulgence, jealousy and evil, he set fire to it. Today, Narayan Swami (Pramukh Swami Maharaj) has set fire to the world of lust, indulgence and evil. One whose preachings ring with the note of practice can offer effective service for the welfare of the country, society and religion. Narayan Swami is one who practices what he preaches."

Pujya Shastri Maheshwar Devji of Hanuman Temple, Haridwar, Guru Mandal Ashram, Haridwar,
12 Sept. 1987

"When I entered this hermitage I felt that Pramukh Swami Maharaj did not come on a pilgrim but came to sanctify. In fact, wherever he goes he creates new pilgrim places. Pramukh Swami is a God communion saint. If the people of India and the world adopt the ideals of Pramukh Swami then the entire world will be liberated. I believe that Swamiji is not only the Guru of the Swaminarayan Faith but of the world because he is the form of Narayan (the Master over all things)."

Swami Raghuvirsinh Shastri, of 'Nirmal Sanstha', Guru Mandal Ashram, Haridwar,
12 Sept. 1987

After seeing the Centenary Celebration of Yogiji Maharaj, Pujya Chidanand Swamiji expressed: "By the grace of beloved Pramukh Swami, I have been very fortunate to have seen Akshardham. I touched the holy feet of Bhagwan Swaminarayan's idol and circumambulated Akshardham. I saw the museum of holy relics and I was purified. For two and a half hours I saw everything and it seemed as if I had been to heaven. The ideals of the Upanishads, Ramayan and Mahabharat displayed in the halls can elevate man to heaven and make him pure. The experience is unforgettable. Akshardham is a testimony to the work perfection and capabilities of saints. And such perfection can only be possible through renunciation and devotion. "

Pujya Chidanand Swamiji, President, The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh,
22 November 1992

During his visit to Akshardham in 1992 Mahant Avaidyanthji said: "I am certain that whoever visits this newly created Akshardham will take fresh inspiration from it. Pramukh Swami Maharaj has inspired this complex for the good of society, to give direction to people. It is not merely built to spread the message of the religious movement. This is what I feel in the short time that I have been here. I have also seen here that children are given inspiration to become good moral citizens that will enrich our society of tomorrow. It can be said that Akshardham fulfills the requirements for the multiple advancement of our society. At the center of this noble activity is Pramukh Swami Maharaj. I commend his spirit of enthusiasm, his effort and his vision in creating this monumental project. This will definitely help to transform our society for the better."

Mahant Avaidyanathji, Gorakshapithadhish, Gorakhpur,
November 1992

"A single visit to Akshardham is worth more than all the teachings and all the knowledge that one would get from countless life-molding books. Upto now we beheld the famous Jain temples of Abu for their matchless beauty, but Akshardham is in no way inferior. This is the first time that such a project has been attempted in our day and age. Only Pramukh Swami Maharaj is capable of accomplishing such a feat. Akshardham is now the 8th wonder of the world - the other 7 wonders pale into insignificance in front of this Monument . The other wonders are rich in architectural beauty but they do not offer life-inspiring messages as Akshardham does. The art and beauty in Akshardham is unique and so are the lively messages that it has to offer."

The Late Acharya Shushilmuniji, President,
Int. Mahavir Jain Mission, November 1992

"It is said in the Ramcharitmanas that as one enters the precincts of Rishi Kakbhushandi's ashram, one experiences divine peace. A similar feeling is experienced as one enters the grounds of Akshardham. A feeling of blissful joy is experienced here. Having seen the beautiful structure of Akshardham, I feel that the rich art of India and its glorious architectural tradition is still alive and preserved in its entirety. In terms of sheer beauty, Akshardham is in a league of its own. No other temple can match its beauty. The exhibition here is an inspiration to all. It will inspire goodness in society and promise the all-round progress of our nation. Just as one feels peace and joy in the closeness of God's company and abode, likewise, one enjoys a similar blissful state here in Akshardham. Many people get divine inspiration here, an experience of God's love and care. I think Akshardham is a unique and matchless pilgrim place of our country which offers sublime peace to everyone."

Pujya Mahant Nrityagopaldasji,

Badi Chhavani, Ayodhya, November 1992

After his visit to Akshardham, Pujya Chinna Zeer Swami said: "I feel it is one of the great wonders of the world. We feel that this is the real place that we have to see. Simply because here we see the scientific wonders based on spiritual wonders and this is what today's world is in need of. Akshardham is giving good medicine in a beautifully capsulized form to society. Here, religion is put in a colorful scientific capsule and presented to society."

Pujya Chinna Zeer Swamiji,
Head of Ramanujacharya Gaadi, Andhra Pradesh, November 1992

"In our modern times Akshardham is an amazing religious place. For centuries people will derive inspiration from this holy place. I have faith that this architectural gift from Pramukh Swami Maharaj will become more historic than the Taj Mahal."

Pujya Satyamitranandgiriji,
President, Samanvay Trust, Haridwar, November 1992

"After visiting Akshardham, I feel that I have visited the eighth wonder of the world. It is not merely a monument, a pilgrimage or a temple, it is a classic mirror of our holy Indian Culture. 'NA KSHARATI ITI AKSHAR' - one which is indestructible is called 'Akshar'. Hence, immortal Akshardham endows us with self-realization and God-realization. Man has always been a lover of art and beauty. Akshardham attracts thousands of visitors from India and abroad by its beauty and art. Each and every department of it is so beautiful that one cannot decide which can be called the best. His Holiness Pramukh Swamiji and his disciples have given their valuable contribution for this great Dham. But I can say with confidence that one who once visits Akshardham, takes its golden memories with him forever."

Sadhvi Anantkirtishri,

Eminent Jain Renunciate, 6 June 1997

"It was an enriching experience, depicting noble truths and values in the context of religion, culture, art and architecture. May all those who visit Akshardham continue their search for the infinite, the pure and the Truth eternal in their hearts, in their lives and in the whole universe. Thanks to the services of the guide whose pleasant manner, knowledge, patient and clear explanations are greatly appreciated."

Sister Vincent A.C.,

Eminent Christian Nun, 6 May 1997

During her visit to the Centenary Celebration of Yogiji Maharaj, Pujya Goswami Indira Betiji expressed: "I am pleased to feel the woman power here. United, women too can change the face of the world. I am especially struck by the earnestness to please the guru."

Pujya Goswami Indira Betiji,

Religious Leader, 1992

After seeing the spiritual township celebrating the Bicentenary of Gunatitanand Swami at Amdavad in 1985, Pujya Swami Atmanand lauded the inspirer: "Oh! What a humble man. What a divine man. I have yet to see such people in abundance. One of the very rare souls that our country has. Pramukh Swami is very dedicated, very spiritually high."

The Late Pujya Swami Atmanand,
Head of Ramkrishna Mission, Raipur, October 1985

"In India there are many sadhus, many spiritual heads. They all are worshipful. But the name of Pramukh Swami sits at the top. He has, in the capital of England - a king in the age of empires, created a Himalaya of Hinduism - a Mandir which has overwhelmed everyone."

Pujya Acharya Dharmendraji,

Panchkhand Pithadhishwar, Profound propagator of Hinduism, Amrut Mahotsav, Mumbai, 1995

"A true sadhu is one in whom there is a confluence of virtues like gnan, bhakti and selfless service. We have an ideal example before us - Pramukh Swami Maharaj. In this beautiful creation of the mandir we see the stupendous efforts of Swamiji and his devotees. It reflects the guru bhakti of the devotees. This mandir is not only for Indians but also for the progress and elevation of the local people. There is no doubt it will open the horizons of life and inspire progress in the country."

H.H. Swamishri Tejomayanandji,

President, Chinmaya Mission, Nairobi, August 1999

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