To celebrate Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s 99th birthday, over 600 balaks, balikas, kishores and kishoris from BAPS centers in Australia and New Zealand participated in a video parayan based on the videos from parts 1 to 4 of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Jivan Charitra.
The children and teenagers were split into 131 groups, with each being allocated a set number of videos to watch for about one hour. Each parayan viewing session began with pujan and a short speech on the life and work of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. In total, viewing of the 21 hours of video was completed six times.
Participating Centers:
Adelaide, Auckland, Brisbane, Canberra, Christchurch, Darwin, Gold Coast, Hamilton, Melbourne Mandir, Melbourne South, Melbourne West, Perth, Sydney and Wellington.