6/20/2011 12:00:00 AM
20 June, Sankari
Swamishri was going through his daily correspondence. A devotee had sent a site map of some land plots in the town of Nasik by email. He had marked one plot and asked whether he should buy it. However due to the poor print on paper Swamishri could not make out as to which one he had enquired about. So he asked Dharmacharan Swami to see if he could make anything of it. But he too could not read the devotee’s writing on the print. Finally, with the aid of a magnifying glass, Dharmacharan Swami was able to read what the devotee had written. On explaining it to Swamishri, Swami gave the decision to purchase it.
Swamishri’s persistence in trying to find out the devotee’s exact enquiry brings to light his sincerity and genuine desire in resolving the enquiries and ambiguities of devotees.