15, Wednesday Bhimpor; Lunar Eclipse Assembly
In spite of the monsoon rains pouring heavily hundreds of devotees had pilgrimaged by foot to Swamishri’s morning puja. Some had commenced from their village as early as 3.00 a.m. While Swamishri was performing puja there was a sudden downpour. This, however, did not deter the devotees from the puja darshan.
Tonight, from 11.52 p.m. to 3.37 a.m., Swamishri attended the lunar eclipse satsang assembly. More than 2,500 devotees had gathered for the special darshan of Swamishri. The nearly four-hour assembly included bhajans, testimonials from volunteers and tribal devotees, speeches and skits. In conclusion, Pujya Viveksagar Swami addressed the assembly and thereafter the Swaminarayan dhun was sung.