The two-day festivities to commemorate the grand Shikhar Sthapan Mahotsav of the BAPS Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir in Perth began on the morning of 15 September with the auspicious Mandir Prasad Pravesh ceremony. In the evening, devotees participated in the Vedic Mahapuja, after which Paramchintandas Swami addressed the assembly, inspiring all to regularly visit the mandir for darshan, personal prayers and other activities. In the evening, Brahmasmarandas Swami, other swamis and youths presented a wonderful kirtan aradhana.
On 16 September traditional Vedic prayers and captivating cultural programs were held. Among the distinguished guests were Consulate General of India Mr. Amarjit Singh Takhi, Federal Senators Dean Smith and Fatima Payman, Members of Parliament of Australia Sam Lim (Federal Member of Tangney), Tracey Roberts (Federal Member for Pearce), Ayor Makur Chuot (Member for the North Metropolitan Region), Mayor of Joondalup Albert Jacob, Cr Christine Hamilton-Prime JP  (City of Joondalup), Honorary Consul of Kenya Amu Shah, Senior Policy Advisor on Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Said Padshah, Acting Superintendent Cameron West and Acting Inspector John Lehran and representatives of WA Police. Their participation symbolized the harmony and unity the mandir fosters within the community. Local government representatives appreciated the magnificent achievement of building a mandir that truly belongs to the community. Devotees' heartwarming participation showcased unity and strength, underscoring the mandir's role as a unifying force.

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