On the auspicious day of Labh Pancham (Kartak sud 5) Pujya Swayamprakashdas Swami (Doctor Swami) visited the construction site for the new BAPS Hindu Mandir and Cultural Precinct in the suburb of Kemps Creek in Western Sydney.
David Ashcroft, senior project manager, and Mitchell Sancandi, project manager, from the Vertex Group Australia, welcomed him with a garland. Volunteers involved in the project also welcomed him with decorative garlands. Pujya Doctor Swami then performed the pujan rituals of the decorated pillars which will be used on the outside of the Haveli building. The project was explained to Pujya Doctor Swami in detail and thereafter he blessed the workers and volunteers. Pujya Doctor Swami then showered sanctified flowers around the construction site and prayed for the successful completion of the project.