Around 2,000 selected yuvakas and yuvatis participated in a special shibir on the theme ‘Mano Mali Chhe Moti Vat’ (Believe that you have the greatest attainment) held at the BAPS Mandir in Sarangpur.
The youths were required to fulfill various requirements to become eligible to attend the shibir. These included having over 70% attendance to the local youth assembly, observance of Satsang niyams, and memorizing selected bhajans and scriptural passages.
The shibir included topics such as Bhagwan Swaminarayan, scriptures, inspiring stories of sadhus and devotees, mandirs and the Satpurush.
The youths were guided by speeches from Pujya Keshavjivan Swami (Mahant Swami), Pujya Swayamprakash Swami (Doctor Swami), Pujya Viveksagar Swami, and other experienced and learned sadhus. Also, the shibir featured skits, discussions, thematic video presentations and a samuh puja session.
Prior to the shibir, the youths had contributed to a handwritten magazine to express their affection for Swamishri in the form of poems, essays, art, quotations and other mediums.  All the content was bound into one volume for presentation to Swamishri.
The yuvatis further expressed their devotion by preparing 137 decorative artis, a garland and pillow covers for Swamishri and decorating the campus with rangoli designs.
Overall, the youths were inspired by the messages of the shibir to further strengthen their practice of satsang in daily life.

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