As part of the year-long celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha’s educational activities (1965-2015) an adhiveshan was held for all current residents of BAPS Chhatralayas (hostels) and students at BAPS Vidyamandirs (schools).
A total of 1,078 youths from 14 of the 30 BAPS hostels and schools participated first in a local adhiveshan, competing in the following competitions: speech, singing, skit (1 group per hostel/school), satsang knowledge quiz, and mukhpath (memorization) – Vachanamrut, Swamini Vato, shloks-sakhis and kirtans.
Of these, 425 were selected to compete in the Inter-Chhatralaya Adhiveshan in Bochasan on 11 and 12 July 2015 in the presence of  Pujya Tyagvallabh Swami.
Prizes were awarded to the outstanding performers in each competition.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj blessed the participating youths by phone from Sarangpur.

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