Sadhana Satra, a three-day Satsang Shibir took place at BAPS Mandirs across North America in the presence of Pujya Brahmadarshan Swami, a profound scholar of the Hindu scriptures, the Vachanamrut and the author of many books elaborating the profound meanings of the Vachanamrut.
Through his powerful oratory style, Pujya Brahmadarshan Swami eloquently communicated the Swaminarayan Sadhana in 16 discourses spread across three days. Primarily focused on Sankalp Nishtha, Swarup Nishtha, Swadharma Nishtha and Samp Nishtha, he explained how the highest of all sadhanas is to become Aksharrup and offer upasana to Purushottam, Bhagwan Swaminarayan. After each discourse, Pujya Divyanidhi Swami conducted an interactive workshop wherein all participants wrote down their experiences and jotted down points on how they resolved to improve spiritually.
In their five month long vicharan, the sadhus travelled across North America to 104 BAPS Mandirs and Centers conducting 19 Satsang Shibirs attended by over 25,000 participants.
Along with the shibirs, over 102 assemblies were conducted in which Pujya Brahmadarshan Swami spoke about Dharma-Niyam, our heritage, spiritual and family values. Attendees left encouraged with more knowledge and a desire to build upon their personal and collective Satsang activities.

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