With Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj's guidance and blessings, new murtis were installed in a new sinhasan and a beautiful new shikhar was added to the Mandir in Chikhodra (Anand district) in Gujarat. The celebrations took place on the momentous occasion of the mandir's 20th anniversary and were celebrated over three days from 23rd to 25th February 2012.

On 23rd February, sadhus from Sarangpur presented a melodious kirtan-aradhana.

On the morning of 24th February a Vishwashanti Yagna was organised in which more than three hundred devotees participated. That afternoon the city witnessed a one and a half kilometer long magnificent Nagar Yatra.

The Murtis were sanctified earlier by Param Pujya Swamishri on 8th February 2012. These Murtis were then consecrated in Chikhodra Mandir, accompanied by Vedic rites, by Pujya Mahant Swami on 25th February.

On all three days, the celebrations were followed by spectacular displays of fireworks. Thousands of devotees attended these events. 

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