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Over 175 balikas and 20 karyakars gathered at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London on Sunday 18 March 2012 to celebrate ‘Matru-Devo Bhava’. This special occasion provided an opportunity for young girls to express their loving gratitude to their mothers, who were present with them at the event.

With the aim of strengthening the bond between mothers and daughters, the assembly began with a mahapuja conducted by balikas. Mothers and daughters sat side-by-side during this Vedic prayer ceremony, designed to foster peace and unity in the family in a calming atmosphere.

The assembly offered the daughters an opportunity to appreciate the hard work and sacrifices their mothers have made throughout their lives. An enlightening video exhibiting some of the dreams mothers sacrificed because of their love for their children set the tone. A bold statement from five-year-old Heliben reminded the audience that ‘these were the dreams of our mothers here today.’

A gameshow presented by Anjaliben and Anisaben demonstrated the physical difficulties mothers experience during pregnancy and early child-rearing. Five-year-old Siennaben spoke further on this subject, alluding to the sleepless nights and other adjustments a mother encounters willingly and lovingly for her unborn and newborn child.

The focus then moved to the joys of motherhood as she sees her child growing up. After a heart-warming presentation, seven-year-old Sankhyaben expressed what mothers offer to their children on a daily basis, devoting her time tirelessly to prioritise the needs of her family.

To express the appreciation and love that daughters have for their mothers, a delightful dance dedicated to all mothers was performed by young balikas, capturing the hearts of young and old alike in the audience.

Hiralben narrated a short poem conveying the spiritual love that balikas have for Pramukh Swami Maharaj, who himself is the inspiring figure of sacrifice and motherly love.

The special assembly concluded with the balikas being reminded that “No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift of ‘life’ to you.”

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