Inspired by H.H. Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the BAPS Yogiji Maharaj Hospital, Ahmedabad, was inaugurated on Thursday, 17 May 2012, on the occasion of Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj’s 120th birthday celebration. The 100-bed multi-speciality hospital, opposite the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, was opened by the Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendrabhai Modi in the presence of senior sadhus, Pujya Mahant Swami, Pujya Doctor Swami, Pujya Ishwarcharan Swami and other dignitaries.

Serving with the motto of “Aarogyam Sarvadaa − Wellness Forever”, the hospital has 100 experienced doctors and 250 paramedical staff and provides standard allopathic treatment as well as preventive and alternative treatments like Panchkarma, Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy and Naturopathy.

During the brief Vedic inauguration ceremony the Chief Minister of Gujarat was joined by Health Minister Shri Jaynarayan Vyas, Shri Bharat Barot, Shri Purshottamdas D. Patel and Shri Fulchand Agrawal and other dignitaries.

After the inauguration the guests were taken on a brief tour of the hospital, during which they interacted with doctors, hospital administrators and patients.

Thereafter, the Chief Minister and other guests were honored in the special assembly held in the mandir auditorium.

During the assembly, Pujya Ishwarcharan Swami described the background to building the hospital, “In around 1962-63, about 70 of us young sadhus were staying in Akshar Bhuvan in Mumbai. Dr Swami had set up a small in-house dispensary and so the devotees there requested Yogiji Maharaj for permission to set up a small clinic for the benefit of the sadhus and devotees. Yogiji Maharaj said that one will be built in Ahmedabad. A few years ago, Pramukh Swami Maharaj initiated this hospital and so it was named after him. However, he insisted that since this hospital is the result of Yogiji Maharaj’s blessings it should be named after him. Even though all the official documents, registrations and licences had already been obtained, Pramukh Swami was firm that the name must be changed. This reflects Swamishri’s devotion for his guru and so now it is named the BAPS Yogiji Maharaj Hospital.”

Thereafter, addressing the packed audience of dignitaries and devotees, the Chief Minister said, “Even without this hospital, the sadhus have made tremendous efforts to preserve the health of Gujarat. They have inspired over four million people to quit their addictions and lead healthier lives.... Only Pramukh Swami Maharaj could have thought to combine modern medicine and Ayurveda in one hospital.”

The sponsors and doctors of the BAPS hospital were honored on stage.

Then Pujya Mahant Swami spoke to the gathering about the selfless, saintly life of Yogiji Maharaj and how it touched the hearts of all. He said, “Though Yogiji Maharaj had studied only up to sixth standard, he understood the state of society and people very well. He spiritually uplifted children, youths and devotees and endeavored to please them.”

Finally, Pujya Dr Swami also addressed the audience saying, “Today, the message we have to learn from Yogi Jayanti is that we have to purify our heart. By doing this, the need to seek medical help will be minimized and when we do need it the doctors will be inspired to treat with extraordinary skill. The doctors and staff should serve regarding the hospital as a mandir. This will bring out the best in them.”

The Yogi Jayanti assembly concluded with arti.

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