On 2 February 2006, as part of BAPS’ ongoing livelihood support to tsunami affected families, the fifth and final batch of 50 milch cows were distributed at Rajasubham Kalana Madapam near S.T. Hindu College, Nagarcoil, with the support of the CHARDEP agency.
The chief guest at the distribution function was Shri Rama Gopalan, founder of the Hindu Munnani in Tamil Nadu. Also present were Ghanshyamcharan Swami and other BAPS sadhus, Dr S. Suresh Kumar, Reader at the Pioneer Kumarswamy College, and trustees of CHARDEP.
Following the function, attended by over 1000 people, the sadhus performed pujan of the milch cows. They were then presented to the receiving families, together with 20 days of cattle feed such as wheat bran, cottonseed and oil cakes, etc.
Prior to the presentation, all the beneficiaries had participated in an intensive training programme on rearing milch cows. Good milk yielding cows had been specially selected, appropriately vaccinated and insured for three years.
Also, a tie-up with a local milk co-operative society had been arranged to ensure a market for the milk produced.