Shri Swaminarayan Mahamantra Bicentenary Celebration was held at the Shri Swaminarayan Haveli in Bartlett, IL. Shri Swaminarayan Mantra, initiated by Lord Swaminarayan himself exactly 200 years ago. The Swaminarayan mahamantra is the redeeming name of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and reflects His philosophy of Bhakta and Bhagwan. The holy name of Swaminarayan dissolves all sins and elevates man to ultimate perfection and eternal bliss. To honor and appreciate this priceless blessing by Bhagwan Swaminarayan 200 years ago.
Prior celebrations were already held at the Haveli on Sunday, January 6th, where hundreds of devotees gathered to extol and illustrate the divine significance of the Swaminarayan Mahamantra. Devotees performed a sacred mahapuja in light of the auspicious events, and prayers were offered for world-wide peace and prosperity, as well as the good health and well-being of mankind. The celebrations was held this wednesday, the 9th, in a similar manner. Prayers were undergone simultaneously as the continuous chanting of the Swaminarayan mantra is performed. The entire day was dedicated to the remembrance of Lord Swaminarayan and His powerful mantra by means of this performance of "Akhand Dhoon".