With the blessings of Swamishri, a team of six sadhus, led by Pujya Bhaktipriya Swami (Kothari Swami, Mumbai) completed a six-month satsang tour of UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Accompanying Pujya Kothari Swami were Pujya Ghanshyamcharan Swami (Mahant, Surat Mandir), Pujya Rishikesh Swami, Pujya Chaitanyamurti Swami, Pujya Priyaswarup Swami and Pujya Dharmaraj Swami. Throughout the satsang tour, the sadhus also served Shri Jabreshwar Maharaj (small murtis of Thakorji from Mumbai mandir) with great devotion.
The six-month satsang tour was divided into three phases:
Phase 1: 6-6-2002 to 29-9-2002 - UK and Europe
Phase 2: 29-9-2002 to 16-11-2002 - Africa
Phase 3: 17-11-2002 to 6-12-2002 - Middle East
UK and Europe
The main highlights of the satsang tour here were the satsang shibirs and adhiveshans for children, teenagers, youths, elders and volunteers.
In 113 days, the sadhus, accompanied by the locally-based sadhus from London mandir, visited 51 cities in 7 countries - UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal and Vatican City. In addition to the shibirs and adhiveshans, over 225 satsang assemblies were held and over 450 home-visits were made to inspire devotees on a personal basis.
During this phase, the core team of six sadhus were joined by two sadhus from the Central Satsang Development Cell in Amdavad - Pujya Munishwar Swami and Pujya Vivekmuni Swami - and the resident sadhus of Nairobi mandir Pujya Bhaktavatsal Swami and Pujya Yugdrashta Swami.
The sadhus visited 24 satsang centres in 5 countries - Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa and Botswana - in 49 days.
Over 1600 devotees, young and old, benefitted tremendously from the 6 satsang shibirs, which focussed on strengthening personal and family satsang.
Middle East
In the third and final phase, the core team of six sadhus visited 4 countries - Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai and Muscat - in 19 days.
Through public assemblies and home-visits hundreds of Hindus were inspired to lead a life based on satsang values.
- Duration: 181 days
- Distance travelled: over 60,000 km
- Countries visited: 16
- Centres visited: 79
- Shibirs: 9
- Adhiveshans: 2