People |
Total Population: 1250-1300 persons
Total numbers of families: 260 families
Cattle: about 500 cows and buffaloes - average 2 per families
Occupation: Agriculture, Bajri, Seasme, Ground nut, Castor, 8-10 grocery shop, 2 flour mill |
Infrastructure and Civic Amenities |
Education Facilities:
Anganwadi: 1 room; 60 students, 1 teacher
Primary School (1 to 7 standard)
High School: 150 students, 8 teachers
Health facilities:
Ayurvedic center, doctor comes twice a week
Electricity - from Tankura substation
Transport: State Transport buses 6 times a day
2-3 rickshaws
10-12 scooters / motor cycles
18 tractors
Water supply:
Over head tank of 20,000 liter capacity, Under Ground Tank of 40,000 liter capacity
Machchu Dam (water supplied to stand post, where it comes every alternate day)
Drainage: Open Gutter, Percolation wells
Telephone: 17 telephones