Geographical Location: |
Village: Ukhadmora
District: Kachchh
Nearest Urabn Center: 30 Kms Bhuj
7-8 Kms Anjar
Area and extent: 200 Acres stretch of agricultural farmland |
People |
Population: 325 persons
Main community- Aahirs
1 muslim family
1 brahmin family
85 aahir families
Number of Dwellings: 85 families
Occupation: Primarily agriculture and agricultural labour
Cattle: 500 cows and buffaloes; 5-6 per household.
Crops: Groundnut, cotton, Castor, Bajara, Wheat, Guvar. |
Infrastructure and Civic Amenities |
Electricity: Available
Drainage and Sanitation: Not Available
Water Supply: 250' deep bore well for household water
250' submersible pump to pump water
Pipeline from Dhaneti
Transportation: State Transport buses once a day |