Again, Shuk Muni asked Shriji Mahãrãj, “Mahãrãj, it seems anger arises when one’s desire for a certain object or one’s sense of my-ness for something is violated by someone. When a desire, i.e., a craving, is not satisfied, then that desire results in anger. So, it can be said that such a person has developed a swabhãv wherein anger can arise. Is it possible, though, that anger will not arise even in such situations?”
Shriji Mahãrãj replied, “The great Sant – who, by God’s command or by his own wish after understanding God’s greatness according to the scriptures, has made a pious resolution to keep innumerable people within the disciplines of dharma and to lead them onto the path of God and is active in that respect – may express anger on a person who infringes the disciplines of dharma and follows adharma. Why? Because that person has infringed on the Sant’s resolve. Therefore, if the sãdhu does not express anger and does not reprimand that person in order to teach him to remain within the disciplines of dharma, then that person will continue to infringe those disciplines and will not progress. Therefore, anger expressed for this reason is beneficial; there is nothing unsuitable about it. Why? Because thousands of people have taken the refuge of the great Sant who has resolved to take this path. So how can they possibly not be somewhat reprimanded? “Anger will not arise, however, if one shuns the very cause of that anger. Obviously, anger will not arise, if one is travelling alone in the jungle; but how can the great Sant do that? After all, he has understood from the scriptures the great fruits involved in guiding countless people towards God by discourses – in order that they attain liberation. Similarly, he has also understood the importance of observing God’s injunctions. Therefore, even though he may express anger, he still does not forsake his pious resolution.
“One who has developed attachment with the great Sant, has understood that his personal interest of attaining liberation can be realised through the Sant and believes, ‘Only through this Sant will I benefit’ – then even though he may have a swabhãv in the form of anger, he will never get angry on that great Sant. In fact, he will surely forsake his swabhãv. So, anger can also be eradicated in this way.”
[Gadhadã III-34]