પ્રેરણા પરિમલ
યોગીચરિતમ્ - ૧૧૩
મુંબઈ, તા. ૮-૧૦-'૬૧
કથામાં એક હરિભક્તે પ્રશ્ન પૂછ્યો કે દ્રોહ એટલે શું ? તેનો ઉત્તર કરતાં સ્વામીશ્રીએ કહ્યું, 'એનું બોલવું ગમે નહિ, ચાલવું ગમે નહિ, રીસ રાખે - એ દ્રોહ કહેવાય પણ સાધારણ કહેવું - સાંભળવું પડે એ કાંઈ અભાવ-અવગુણ નથી. એ તો વ્યવહાર છે.'
- સાધુ ઈશ્વરચરણદાસ
Vachanamrut Gems
Pravrutti for the Sake of God is Better than Nivrutti
“The renunciant who has adopted the path of nivrutti and who has only the virtue of ãtmã-realisation can never be equal to the renunciant who has adopted the path of pravrutti. This is because although the latter is also a renunciant who has adopted the path of nivrutti, he engages in pravrutti for the purpose of being able to serve God and His devotees. Such a person should stay on the path of pravrutti while abiding by the niyams prescribed by God. However, he should never overdo or under-do his observance of those niyams. While discarding vicious natures such as lust, anger, avarice, infatuation, desires, cravings for taste, etc., he should follow the path of pravrutti for the purpose of serving God and His devotees. As a result, he will never become attached to anything. Compared to the renunciant who has only the virtue of ãtmã-realisation, this renunciant is far superior, and it is he who earns the grace of God.”