પ્રેરણા પરિમલ
યોગીચરિતમ્ - ૧૧૨
મુંબઈ, તા. ૨૭-૯-'૬૧
આજે રાત્રે પ્રવચન કરતાં સ્વામીશ્રીએ કહ્યું, 'આવતી કાલે શાસ્ત્રીજી મહારાજનું શ્રાદ્ધ છે તે દિવાળી કરતાં પણ મોટો દિવસ કહેવાય. તે મહારાજ, સ્વામી, પરમહંસો સૌ સાક્ષાત્ પધારશે...'
- સાધુ ઈશ્વરચરણદાસ
Vachanamrut Gems
Gadhadã III-15.4:
Bandaging one's Wounds with Bhakti
“… when a devotee of God sits to perform the mãnsi pujã of God or sits to meditate upon God, he remembers the times in the past when his jiva had succumbed to the panchvishays due to the influence of unfavourable circumstances or the influence of lust, anger, avarice, etc. For example, a warrior who returns injured from the battlefield rests on a cot because of his wounds; however, until his wounds are not dressed with bandages, the pain of the wounds does not cease, nor is he able to sleep. Only when bandages are applied to his wounds is he relieved of his pain, and only then is he able to sleep. In the same way, the jiva has been ‘wounded’ by the panchvishays due to the influence of unfavourable places, times, company and actions. Whichever of the nine types of bhakti relieves the pain of these ‘wounds’ caused by the vishays and makes one oblivious of the vishays themselves, should be thought of as the application of a bandage to the ‘wounds’. Also, that particular type of bhakti should be known to be one's inclination in worshipping God.”
[Gadhadã III-15.4]