પ્રેરણા પરિમલ
બ્રહ્મસ્વરૂપ પ્રમુખસ્વામી મહારાજની પ્રેરક પ્રસંગ-સ્મૃતિઓ
તા. 27-9-2010, સારંગપુર
વાતચીતના એક પ્રસંગમાં એક વ્યક્તિ કહે : ‘વિરોધીઓને તો ડબ્બે પૂરી દેવા જોઈએ.’
સ્વામીશ્રી કહે : ‘આપણી એ રીત નથી. શાસ્ત્રીજી મહારાજ તો ડબ્બે પુરાયેલાને પણ છોડાવતા. એમ કહે કે ‘હું પછી જમીશ, પણ એને પહેલાં છોડાવો.’ ભગવાન કરશે એ સારું કરશે.’
Vachanamrut Gems
What is the Nature of the Jiva?
Thereupon Ãshjibhãi Patel asked, “Mahãrãj, what is the nature of the jiva? Please reveal it to me as it is.”
Shriji Maharaj explained, "The jiva is uncuttable, unpierceable, immortal, chaitanya, and the size of an anu. You may also ask, 'Where does the jiva reside?' Well, it resides in the hrudayakash, and while staying there it performs different functions. From there, when it wants to see, it does so through the eyes; when it wants to hear sounds, it does so through the ears; it smells all types of smells through the nose; it tastes through the tongue; and through the skin, it experiences the pleasures of all sensations. In addition, it thinks thought the man, contemplates through the chitt, and makes convictions through the buddhi. In this manner, through the ten indriyas and the four antahkarans, it indulges in all of the vishays. It pervades the entire body from head to toe, yet it is distinct from it. Such is the nature of the jiva. It is due to the grace of the incarnate form of Purushottam, Shri Narnarayan, that a devotee is able to see the jiva as it actually is. Others, on the other hand, cannot even begin to realize the nature of the jiva."