The 92nd birth anniversary of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj was celebrated with great devotion in Ahmedabad, India, on Thursday December 20, 2012. The special festival began with devotees gathering for darshan of the Arti early in the morning. The Mandir and sinhasans were colorfully decorated. The Mandir compund contained a large cake, 22 feet long and 8 feet wide, emphasizing four aspects of Swamishri’s life - 17,000 villages and towns that he has visited during his tireless Vicharan; the 750,000 letters he has personally written to devotees and well-wishers and anyone else who writes to him for blessings; the 17,500 centers he has set up for satsang; 900 sadhus who currently serve Bhagwan Swaminarayan under his leadership; and the 1,100 mandirs of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha which help maintain satsang and values, continuing Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s legacy.
Senior sadhus Pujya Ishwarcharan Swami and Pujya Viveksagar Swami garlanded Swamishri on his arrival for darshan. After meeting sadhus and devotees seated in the mandir complex, Swamishri sanctified the large cake. The BAPS youth band from Nadiad played various bhajan tunes to liven up the atmosphere when Swamishri arrived for darshan, accompanied by famous percussionist Shivamani.
Swamishri then proceeded for Thakorji’s darshan in the mandir, after which he went to the sabha hall. The sabha hall was packed with devotees attending the ongoing sabha and waiting for Swamishri’s darshan. His entry was greeted with happiness and applause from the devotees. Swamishri was welcomed with a garland by Pujya Tyagvallabh Swami, and then honored with garlands and shawls made by different satsang mandals. A short skit by children was followed by a kirtan, after which mantra-pushpanjali was offered by all the sadhus and devotees for Swamishri’s continued good health.
The thousands of devotees gathered were touched that at his age of 92, Swamishri still cares enough about all satsangis to give darshan to everyone.  

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